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  • Our focus is to take the best from the for-profit supply chain world and marry it with the best of the nonprofit arena to create solutions that evens the playing field for Nonprofits. Today no NGO is too small or too big to benefit from an improved supply chain | Founder Steve Robinson
Jan 06

The Supply Chain Project | Simplifying the Supply Chain for Nonprofits

  • The Supply Chain Project ( Simplifying the Supply Chain for Nonprofits Nonprofits have the crucial task of collecting and distributing food, medical equipment, supplies, and clothing . All of which requires complex distribution-intense capabilities.  Often, nonprofits are at the forefront of humanitarian work, but the pandemic and broader supply chain disruptions have impeded their ability to deliver  critical services. Which is why the Supply Chain Project focuses exclusively on enabling nonprofits to leverage the capabilities and  solutions that any successful distribution effort must deploy.
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